Buena Vista Resources LLC
30520 Valley View Drive
Buena Vista, CO 81211-9803
United States
ph: (719) 395 6365
alt: (920) 475 9808
Market Exploration Services - "Deep Dives"
Using proven process, Buena Vista Resouces will explore any of the 600+ market segments that have been identified as using or preparing to use security products. These market segments and subsegments are are part of four sectors were security products are used - Documents, Identity, Brand Equity and Intellectual Property Protection and Cyber Security
Markets Segmentation Studies –Studies of the needs of market segments unfamiliar to the client.
Market Situation Analysis – Organization and analysis of information for the purposes of assimilation of the data and/ or full understanding of the information, otherwise known as knowledge.
Product Conceptulization - Solution centric prduct concept, validation and implimentation strategies.
Market Strategies – Strategies for taking solutions to markets.
New market tactical plans and timelines – Prescriptive plans on tactics, sell processes, support tools and delivery processes to turn ideas into sales.
Market Share Development – Strategies for increasing market share.
Solution Development Services
Solution Development – Development and planning for solutions to meet the needs of a particular market
Integration Strategies – Where a single idea will not meet the needs of the client and layered solutions are needed, strategies for delivering combined solutions under defined strategic alliances could be devised. Our services would help find the correct partners, define the roles of the partners, and define the primary and secondary participants and the allotment of the work and revenue under a “Team Agreement”.
Alliance - Co-sharing trade show services to promote companies at large international events.
Return on Investment Modeling
Fraudulent Document Recognition Training
July 2012 - Fraudulent Document Recognition Training includes false doucment recognition, altered and counterfeited doument recognition, suspicious people and action recognition, imposter resognition techniques.
The courseware is developed and maintained by AAMVA and updated with the latest information on a regular basis.
FDR is designed to train commercial businesses that proof and verfiy identity documents - Commercial Banks, Retail Banks, Financial and Investment Sevices, Financial Planners and Regulated Retailers.
Buena Vista Resouces is a licenced distributor of FDR Training.
For more information click on the address below:
Click on DEMO for a dynamic audio enchanced presentation
Buena Vista Resources LLC
30520 Valley View Drive
Buena Vista, CO 81211-9803
United States
ph: (719) 395 6365
alt: (920) 475 9808